Thursday, November 16, 2017

Free All India Open Test for GATE 2018 - EE | ECE | ME | CE

From: Krishna Tripathi <>


We're glad to announce that Kreatryx is going to conduct an All India Open Test for GATE 2018 Aspirants on 26th November at 2 PM.

All the serious aspirants from EE, ECE, ME and CE branches must appear for this Open Test as they can test their performance on national level among thousands of other aspirants.

The test is online so they won't have to travel to any center. Anyone can attempt the test from their home or college computer lab.

I'd request you to kindly share this information with your students so that they can attempt this Open Test and get a feel of actual GATE Exam way before the actual exam.

The process is fairly simple - the user has to simply sign up for free on 

Please let me know if you have any kind of query. 


Team Kreatryx
+91-8130183640 | 011-69999462

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